Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethical Issues Created by Technology Essay

It is my belief that a crucial part of the ethics of business is computer ethics or information ethics. Most corporations today are teetering on whether computer improprieties are a violation of â€Å"professional ethic† rather than a legal ethics issue. The purpose of this paper will be to examine some of the ethical issues of the Internet as it relates to the theft of private or personal information from the material sent over the Internet. Professional ethics can best be defined as learning what is right or wrong as it relates to the workplace and then doing the right thing. This Code of Professional Ethics lays down the standards of integrity, professionalism and confidentiality which all members of that particular profession shall be bound to respect in their work. Where as legal ethics is best defined as principles of conduct that members of the profession are expected to observe in the constraints of the governing laws. These ethics are usually the outgrowth or the development of both case or Tort court findings and verdicts. To better explain this issue. The Internet is a global Web of linked networks and computers, whose nature is such that it is very difficult if not impossible, to determine its size at a given moment. It is indisputable, however, that the Internet recently has experienced a tremendous growth, with the ranks of new users swelling at ever-increasing rates. This expansion has catapulted it from the realm of academic research towards newfound mainstream acceptance and increased social relevance for the average individual. This increased reliance on the Internet has the potential to erode the personal privacy that an individual once took for granted. New users of the Internet generally do not realize that every post they make to a newsgroup, every piece of email they send, every World Wide Web page they access, and every item they purchase online is monitored or logged by some unseen third party. The impact on personal privacy is enormous. Databases of many different kinds, selling or giving away collections of personal data, already exist, and this practice will only become more common as the demand for this information grows. One of the most interesting examples is that of advertisers and marketers who, by using sophisticated new research, have begun to target the rapidly growing numbers of users online. World Wide Web sites and other interactive online services are being designed to capture the loyalty and spending power of â€Å"the lucrative cyber tot category.† A variety of new interactive advertising and marketing techniques have been developed specifically for this new medium. The right to privacy in Internet activity, especially in creating databases out of personal information, is a serious issue facing society. As such it raises serious ethical issues. An additional example is of the people on the Internet who use anonymous servers as a way to avoid responsibility for controversial and inappropriate behavior. Cases of harassment and abuse have become increasingly frequent, aided by a cloak of anonymity. There are also problems with fraud and scam artists who elude law enforcement authorities through anonymous mailings and postings. These types of examples describe the ethical issues created by technology and the people or corporations that control them. In conclusion I believe that the global nature of the Internet makes addressing the ethical issues associated with Internet or information privacy daunting and complex. It is an arena without walls or physical boundaries, where the ethical values vary from country to country. Even within the United States there is dissent and disagreement about the definitions of â€Å"Internet Privacy,† who owns that information, and what constitutes appropriate or inappropriate use of that information. Perhaps the issues that have been unsuccessfully resolved through the law (or because of a lack of relevant laws) can be resolved through the creation of moral and ethical guidelines that will frame the issues, at which point legal protections can be put in place.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

My First Day in the University Essay

My first day at college is an important event of my life. To me it is an unforgettable day. During my school days. I had a glimpse of college life from my elder brothers and sisters. I was most curiously awaiting the day when I would start my college life. I thought that the college life would offer me a free life; here restrictions would be few and threat of teachers would be little. At last the longed for day came in. I was admitted to the Government College of my city. I entered the college premises with new hopes and aspirations. I was glad to see that the college presented a new sight. It was quite different from what I had seen in and around our school. I came across many unknown faces. I had some very strange experiences on the first day of my college life. I was baffled to see students playing indoor and outdoor games and enjoying radio programmes during class-hours. There is no restriction of uniform. I observed that the students are free in their movements. They can do things according to their choice. I found all the newly admitted students in high spirits. They were all happy to make friends. I moved round the college. I was very much delighted to see the grand library of the college where I could find books on very subject. The college laboratory excited my interest on the very first day and I got eager to perform experiments there. I noted down the time-table of my class from the notice board. I attended the classes. I found that the method of teaching in the college is different from that in the school. Each subject is taught by a specialized teacher. Questions are not asked in the classes. Professors do not rebuke the students if they fail to learn their lessons. They simply tell the students to be conscious of their responsibilities. The students find here a homely atmosphere which they lack in the school. For this, they feel easy and comfortable here. I felt a new rhythm of life and returned home with a mixed sense of duty and liberty.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Movie (Inception)Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Movie (Inception)Analysis - Essay Example The major themes of the movie are freedom and learning about and embracing the truth. There are only a few humans in the world that are free from the Matrix; these are the ones that are aware of the truth of the real world and the Matrix and have chosen to accept these truths. Furthermore, another aspect of freedom involves the fight that Neo and his crew face when it comes to the agents of the Matrix, which are the programs that ensure that everything is running smoothly within this cyberworld. This also leads into part of the central conflicts of the film. There are two central conflicts in the film: Neo versus Agent Smith, and the humans versus the machines. Agent Smith, who is about as free from the Matrix as the sleeping humans are, is against the fact that Neo understands the truth about the Matrix. Smith does not like the enemy he has found in Neo. The humans versus the machines is the original conflict, something that began before the start of the movie. The purpose of this fight is to make sure that as few humans as possible know about the Matrix setup. As it is, the humans that do know is too many for comfort to the machines. The freed humans, however, feel that it is their duty to make aware as many sleeping humans that they can. Unfortunately, part of this battle involves keeping away from the curious machines as much as possible - an impossible feat. These tensions are not resolved. By the end of the film, the two separate battles are still raging. Neo does temporarily defeat Agent Smith, but the other agents are ready to take on the task of bringing down the free humans. The war between humans and machines continue on. One of the main things that kept coming up throughout the film is the obvious differences between the real world and the Matrix; the physical reality and the computerized mockery of life. Furthermore, there are many religious,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing assignment - Essay Example We are now in an age where taking care of children is already a shared responsibility and as such, she should widen her segmentation to include the husband as well. Instead of just women, she should target both the mother and father who shares the parenting responsibility. Such, the best market for Trap-Ease are parents and not solely women. Martha should also capitalized on the non-poison aspect of controlling the mouse problem. Such, she should also target the environmentalist who are concerned with the use of poison in controlling the rodents as it contributes to global warming. Companies and industrial sites should also be targeted as they too have a pest issue to contend. The specification of Trap-Ease suits them as the product is well-designed that its aesthetics will fit the corporate and industrial setting. 4) Describe the current marketing mix for Trap-Ease. Do you see any problems with this mix? For the marketing mix of introducing her product to its target market, Martha h as Trap-Ease as a product. Her pricing seems to be okay because there is no apparent price resistance with the product. Given the cost that she needs to recoup, it is not advisable for her to cut its price but she just have to work on the scale of her sales.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Humanitarian Intervention-The Responsibility to Protect Development Essay

Humanitarian Intervention-The Responsibility to Protect Development - Essay Example Although the idea appears to be lawful, it is in contrast with the Charter to humanitarian intervention that prohibits the use of force in restoring peace. Article 2 chapter 4 presents the legal dimension that governs against the use of force. It states that, â€Å"All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.† Hence, NATO breached the international law when it used force without the consent of the UN Security Council and this places the organization outside legality. Humanitarian intervention takes into consideration the atrocities that occur within states that shook the conscience of humankind; hence the need of effective intervention that will help to save defenceless people in the country from starvation, carnage, among other human conditions (Ban 2009, 8). Humanitarian interventi on can be defined as the use of coercive military force in the internal affairs of a sovereign state with the aim of addressing massive human rights violation so as to prevent widespread human suffering within a state by other state(s) (Weiss 2006, 3). There are various forms of humanitarian intervention including protection of humanitarian aid operations, use of military forces to deliver humanitarian aid such as food, water, medicine and shelter, protecting victims of violence and fighting violence perpetrators in states under threat. The humanitarian intervention is attributed to the role played by the UN Security Council in promoting international peace and security through authorization of military force to respond to severe atrocities. This role is seen in interventions during the atrocities in Somalia, Rwanda, Kosovo and East Timor. The humanitarian intervention plays effective roles in conflict resolution in peacekeeping through collective interventions by the UN as well as regional bodies sanctioned by the UN Security Council. The humanitarian interventions has always been treated as suspects since they are viewed to be used as mere vehicles for national aggrandizement, institutions of political and economic systems that are detested by indigenous population and imposition of puppets in power. These issues raised by humanitarian intervention makes it impractical for balancing sovereign rights and global values. Given the US has been shadowing its operations in invading other countries under the umbrella of humanitarian intervention and UN charter article 2 chapters 7 that calls for enforcement of measures that aid in international peace and security. Most of the humanitarian intervention involves attempt of stemming out the tides of threats to international peace and security (Pattinson 2010, 113). This is due the fact that peace in the world today is being destroyed by unending wars and conflicts that tend to block the world peace process thus leadin g to material loss, loss of life and mental sadness. Humanitarian disasters results to torture of human conscience and these calls for the whole of the international community to be responsible in times of massive humanitarian crisis. Interventions that took place in Somalia in 1993 were characterized by failure of the doctrine and this led to facing out of intervention thus leading to non-interventionism. Non-interventionism approach was employed in Rwanda and this led to disastrous consequences in 1994 brought about by genocide. In effect, interventionism was employed in Kosovo and East Timor in 1999. The Kosovo war is a good case for understanding the legality of the humanitari

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Relations Theorist With Their Theories And Provided Essay

International Relations Theorist With Their Theories And Provided Reading - Essay Example The theory adds that poor countries cannot achieve riches due to inadequate natural resources. A nation’s economic growth is limited in the case it runs out of financial resources such as fertile land. All the resources are termed as incapable of increasing productive capacities of an economy. Developing nations have excessive populations. The serious shortage of capital and land is common, and it leads to damaging implications. With lesser lands, cultivation encounters a significant fall in activities that are the major sources of income for poor countries. Farmers are not able to reap benefits of their inputs as lands are fragmented through government enforcement or inheritance to ensure social fairness in society. The other issue is acute levels of food shortage. These elements, as highlighted in Lewis Theory of Development model, hinder economic growth while leading to economic problems such as starvation. The second theory is Chenery’s Patterns of Development. The ideology illustrates those empirical analysts in structural change identify patterns of historical under-development against non-Western nations. The approach contrasts with Rostow’s application as they do not take the assumption that savings and investments increases are sufficient in producing economic growth. Even as savings and investment are perceived as necessary conditions for enhancing growth, alternative changes within the structures of any country are necessary for transitioning from traditional economies to modern ones.2 From this, lack of skilled human capital is a hindrance. Poor nations have minimal budgetary allocations to sectors of education and health.

The Patricia Dunn Case and Ethics and HP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Patricia Dunn Case and Ethics and HP - Essay Example HP, the world leader in computer hardware technology, printers is also at forefront in propagating ethical business practices. The Business Ethics of HP are succinctly summed up in the following words of its Chairman Michael Hurd. â€Å"Winning in the market is not important; it is how you get those results. Ethics and compliance is fundamental part of a company’s work culture. Ethical leadership is about each individual’s leadership and actions with others. Just as we have responsibility to our customers, we have a responsibility to ourselves. The standards provide clarity and guidance on how HP expects all employees to operate on a daily basis. (Hurd).† The employees are encouraged to develop a sense of fairness, justice and to adopt right course on the basis of deontological principle—a result is good only as long as it has been attained through good action. â€Å"The word deontology derives from the Greek words for duty (deon) and science (or study) of (logos). (, 2007).† Michael Hurd sums up the Deontological ethics as the core of business principles and values of HP in the following words, â€Å"While working for the best interests of HP, you have a duty to be ethical and lawful in your dealings with customers, channel partners, and competitors, as well as with your HP colleagues.† The Article 2.1 of Standard Business Code (SBC) outlines the deontological ideal in the HP’s working.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Diffused Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Diffused Responsibility - Essay Example Rather than any one individual feeling responsible for reporting what was going on, seeking to stop it, or seeking to ascertain whether the action that appeared to be a car being burglarized was indeed as it appeared, everyone in the group, including those passersby that were not related to me or my group of friends felt that they could merely ignore the situation due to the fact that any number of other people could report what was going on. In retrospect, this type of apathy is precisely what the thieves depended on for this type of brazen crime. Looking back on the situation with the knowledge of what motivating emotion and psychological response helped to make everyone feel that it was not their ultimate responsibility does not help to make me feel any better concerning the given situation; rather, it makes me aware that if such a situation occurs again, the response I should seek to control is that of diffused

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 13

Final Exam - Essay Example To ensure that this become a success, FDR used radio as a mode of communication to convince American populace that the crisis had come to an end and that their deposits were safe following the introduction of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)1. The New Deal also created the Works Progress Administration (WPA), the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The most eminent measure of the New Deal was the establishment of the 1935 Social Security Act, which resulted in the formation of Social Security Administration, employment compensation, as well as the national system of old-age pensions. According to a report, the Social Security provided federal financial assistance to the handicapped, orphans, and the blind. Additionally, the New Deal also gave way for the formation of a number of regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which made homeownership affordable to millions of average Americans, the National Labor Relations Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), as well as the Federal Communications Commission and the Civil Aeronautics Authority2. Despite the fact that the New Deal initiative lessened the impacts of the Great Depression, it did not end the depression. Report indicates that unemployment remained extremely high throughout the 1930s despite the New Deal being in place. At the same time, the economic growth remained slow. According to a report, America’s economy only recovered during the third term of Roosevelt’s reign when the increased demands of mobilization for World War II restored the country to full employment. In fact, report indicates that Adolf Hitler did more to end the Great Depression that Roosevelt did3. There are those who consider the New Deal as a good initiative for the U.S. government policy today. However, research indicates that the New Deal program negatively affected the poor

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Difference between the Schools of United States of America and Essay

The Difference between the Schools of United States of America and Europe - Essay Example 2). Most private schools consist of 90% which offered at least elementary grades. Of the said percentage 61 % offered of elementary grades and the other 30% offer a combination of elementary and secondary grades. The remaining 9% offer only secondary level education. They emphasized a regular elementary and secondary program. For private school, a school year consists of 180 days and 6.7 hours. Most students were enrolled in the Catholic schools. There are 1000 schools located in different states and these are the California, Florida, Illnois, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. In each of these states there were 250,000 students enrolled in private schools (Broughman, 2006, p. 2). United States also offer free school. The aim of free school is to supply English education. The social condition of England and U.S. is rendered in an extreme condition of useless comparison. The countries are forced to join international competition. â€Å"Not withstanding the difference exists in the ci rcumstances of each country.† The principle has been borrowed in England and used as a foundation of Education System. The most popular school nowadays is English school even though it is exotic in England for being free. The American made a common school for free education which became popular and successful institution in the country (Adams, 1969, p.5). The education systems in Europe are rooted by traditions and features. Education is strengthened through economic, social, and cultural change which is needed by the policy makers, business leaders, and scholars to learn more about the characteristics of the education system. In European states there are several reasons for their growing interest. First, the enlargement of European Union (EU), the increasing relevance of international school and student assessment studies and finally the growing internalization of education and educational studies within the overall process of globalization (Horner, 2007, p. 1). In Europe, pu pils who are attending private primary schools seem to achieve higher level than those who attends in public school. The education system in Europe depends on the age that children start and compulsory education, the time children spent in school in these countries, the class size and the content of the countries curriculum and finally the use of examinations and testing the country (Euridice, 2001). The administration of education system in Europe that the Spanish Constitution gave a new decentralized state, they established a sharing of powers between the State administration and the Autonomous Communities. This decentralized system gives power to the State, Autonomous Communities, Local Authorities and eventually the school. The State has a power for a guaranteed standardization and unity for education. The education in Europe is compulsory for aged 6- 16 of years, which is divided into two educational levels. The first level is composed of the five stages, the first three for pr imary education and the other two for lower secondary level. In Europe to enter the Primary Education you must be 6 years old. For admission the factors to be examined include the family income to determine if they can pay enough for the finance needed. Other factors include catchment area, and siblings at the school. For the school days, there are 180 days at primary level and 175 days at secondary level, it is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nature versus nurture Essay Example for Free

Nature versus nurture Essay My husband and I ran a group home for teenage girls for over nine years. The girls were struggling with â€Å"major† life issues, some had been abandoned, others had sexual identity issues, a few were addicted to drugs, and struggling with Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa. Many of these girls survived their environments and some did not. Was it something they were exposed to or was it something they were predisposed to? Nature or Nurture, or perhaps it was a little of both. The Nature vs. Nurture theory has been argued, fought over and debated for centuries by such intellectuals as Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, and Darwin. The phrase Nature vs. Nurture has been attributed to Francis Galton, who was also the cousin of Charles Darwin.? Galton became an openly anti-Christian bigot. Galton wrote about prayer: I do not propose any special inquiry whether the general laws of physical nature are ever changed in response to prayer: whether, for instance, success has attended the occasional prayers in the Liturgy when they have been used for rain, for fair weather, for the stilling of the sea in a storm, or for the abatement of a pestilence. The modern feeling of this country is so opposed to a belief in the occasional suspension of the general laws of nature that most English readers would smile at such an investigation. (Memories of My Life, Galton, Nabu Press, August 28, 2010) Nature vs. Nurture is an argument that, in all probability, will never be settled. I know that for me, I am no closer to a choice than I was when I started working with teenagers. Edward Shorter says this about the Nature-Nurture opinions: â€Å"Yet in the 1950s, advocates of psychoanalysis and community psychiatry argued that biology played virtually no role, that it was all nurture and no nature. So the argument that nature and nurture stand in some kind of Nature vs. Nurture 3 fifty-fifty relationship is already quite extreme from the viewpoint of thirty years ago. One need not be an organic absolutist to place organic factors in their proper perspective: Nature and Nurture intertwine. † (A History of Psychiatry, 1997 E. Shorter pp 287) I think I most agree with this assessment as I have seen both in action and I have seen both be dominant in certain people. The nature theory is that we are all born with predisposed traits, such as personality, intelligence and even sexual orientation; these traits are not influenced by the environment but biology. The nurture side or the â€Å"Tabula Blanca† (Blank Slate) is the theory that each of us is born with a â€Å"Blank Slate†: and that our environment determines traits such as personality, intelligence, and sexual orientation. James Garbarino says this: â€Å"The question of whether bad behavior is preprogrammed genetically is one of the central controversies in child development. An informed starting point is to remember that child development requires the interplay of biology and society, the characteristics children bring with them into the world and the way the world treats them, nature and nurture. Sociobiology emphasizes a genetic origin for social behavior: some characteristics promote survival, and thus reproduction, more than other characteristics. In contrast, what researchers Benjamin Pasamaniack calls social biology concentrates on the social origins of biological phenomena (e. g. , the impact of poverty on infant health). The key is that there are social implications of genetically based individual behaviors; the social impact of biologically rooted traits can affect the survival of individual people and groups of related people, and thus the likelihood that a particular genetic pattern will be passed along to surviving offspring. † (Lost Boys, James Garbarino, Ph. D. Simon and Schuster Inc. , 1999 pp. 73-74) Nature vs. Nurture 4 In my thirty years of working with young teens I have experienced a variety of issues. One such as a family which had two daughters, both raised in the same environment, the oldest became a drug addict for many years. Throughout the years, the family went to several drug rehab centers, doctors, psychologists, and therapists. One doctor told the family that there was nothing anyone could do. When asked why, the doctor said â€Å"She was predisposed to be this way! † This would be an argument for nature; one struggling with addiction and the other not being affected. Both living in the same environment yet one, according to the doctors, was predisposed to addiction. This young lady found Jesus and He cleansed her from her drug addiction and she has been clean now for over 15 years. Jesus can clean up our predisposition and our nature. I met a young African-American man when he was in the 7th grade. He lived in the projects with his grandmother, mother, sister, and younger brother, all in a three bedroom apartment. The father had left this family and they became poverty stricken. The difference was the mother! She was fearless and wanted her children to use education to rise above their circumstances. This young man is now the assistant principal at a local high school. His family has moved out of the projects and both his sister and brother graduated from college. They did not allow their environment to dictate their future. However, I feel that their environment helped. Their mother was their environment not the projects. So was this family predisposed to make it out of the projects? Or was it the affect their mother had on them? I think that it was both. Nature vs. Nurture 5 In my experience there is no doubt that environment plays a huge part. That is because the environment is something we can see, it’s natural, you can look at a situation and see what the surroundings are and make a judgment. With nature you can’t really see it per say so it is harder to make a judgment on what really causes someone to act a certain way or become the person that they become. In our group home setting my husband and I did everything we possibly could do to make it a loving environment. These girls had never experienced unconditional love. I know that a loving environment has the ability to change people. No matter what has gone on before in their lives. Not every person we â€Å"loved on† made it. Recently my husband and I were watching the evening news and heard a report of a prostitute being arrested downtown for stabbing a man. When her name was given it was a young lady that had lived in our home and my husband and I had tried to adopt. I believe that I am more of a nurture person than a nature person. I believe that nurture can change nature, if that is even possible. Peter tells us in 2 Peter 1:4, â€Å"so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature† (ESV). He prefaces that by saying in verse three that Jesus has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness. I know that for many of these teens we worked with what they needed was not just love and nurture but they needed to be made partakers of the divine nature. Nature and Nurture, intertwined together. Nature vs. Nurture 6 References Galton, Francis, Memories of My Life, Nabu Press, August 28, 2010. Shorter, Edward, A History of Psychiatry: From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Prozac, 1997, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publisher. Garbarino, James, Ph. D. Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them, 1999, The Free Press, a Division of Simon and Schuster Inc. Publisher The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (2008) Crossway a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. FINAL PAPER GRADING RUBRIC.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Social Media Influences Your Shopping Behaviour Marketing Essay

Social Media Influences Your Shopping Behaviour Marketing Essay Social media is constantly evolving and changing with more and more people around the world jumping on the social media bandwagon. This has impacted and influenced the buying behavior of the people. People are much more informed now and like to read opinions and reviews of other people online before buying any product or service. This report will look at how the buying behavior has been impacted and which stages of the decision making process have been influenced by the rise of social media. This has also changed the way companies used to market their products and services. Now, companies also need to use social media to interact with their customers, market their products, solve the problems faced by customer etc. Social media has given a wonderful platform to the companies for a two way interaction with the customers. Further, the younger generation has been impacted the most as they are the majority users of social networks and hence their buying behavior has under gone a drastic change. Table of Contents Introduction The report will analyze how social media has impacted and influenced the buying behavior of people. Nowadays it is common to see everybody around us joining Facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc. The interactions of people on these social networks impact their opinions about various products which in turn influences their buying behavior. This influence will be analyzed using relevant theories related to buying behavior and social media usage. What is Social Media? Social Media is defined as the use of web-based and mobile technologies which turn communication into interactive dialogue. Kaplan and Haenlein (2009) define social media as a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content. There are various internet based applications which are driven solely by the media generated by the consumers. These applications act as a platform where users from around the world interact with each other on topics which are of interest to them. Some of the famous social media websites are Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Blogger, MySpace etc. Facebook has more than 600 million users around the world and an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population is on Facebook (Wells, 2010). These figures show just how popular social networks like Facebook are and how everybody is jumping on the social media bandwagon. Consumer Buying Behavior Process Consumer Buying Behaviour is the decision making process he/she undergoes while choosing a product or a service. The basic steps in the process are as follows: Need Recognition The buyer identifies the need for which the product or service is required. Alternative Search He/she searches for the alternatives that are available in the market in this stage. Alternative Evaluation Evaluation and comparison of all the alternatives on various factors is done in this stage. Purchase Decision The buyer chooses the best alternative and buys it. Post Purchase Evaluation / Dissonance This stage involves evaluating the benefits of the product / service after using it and forming an attitude about it. How Social Media affects the Decision Making Process ? People from all over the world use Social Media to create and share opinions, insights, experiences and perspectives with each other. Social Media affects the Alternative Search and the Alternative Evaluation stages of the decision making process. Lets see how it does that. Alternative Search After the consumer has identified the need for a product or service, he/she goes on the internet and searches for the same. The search results give an idea to the consumer about the alternatives that are available in the market for the required product or service. The various search results take him to various blogs, review sites, online retailers, Facebook page of the product etc. The user forms an opinion about the product after going through the various reviews and comments about the product which are posted by people from around the world on various social media websites. Alternative Evaluation After knowing the available alternatives the user zeros in on two or three brands which satisfy his need. He/she then goes on the internet to do a comparison between the brands and to know the opinion of other customers who hav used that brand below. Additionally, the user may post on his Facebook / Twitter account asking his friends about their opinion on which brand he/she should go for. After considering the reviews on the internet and the opinions of his friends, the user then decides the particular brand that he/she will finally buy. This is quite different from what previously used to happen in the above two stages i.e. before the coming of social media. Previously, the consumer had no option but to go to the market and visit various shops to find about the various alternatives that are available in the market that satisfy his need. Further, the consumer was solely at the disposal of the retailer for the comparison of the available alternatives and for reviews of the same. The retailer further pushed the product which fetched him the greatest margin irrespective of whether the product is good or bad. The chances of this happening now have become very less because the customer has become much more informed now. How has social media changed the nature of promotion and communication to target markets? Before the coming of social media, the information about a product or service originated from the company and was distributed through the sales rep, distributors and the retailers. But now customers have access to this information directly from the company website or by using Google Search, Facebook etc. The information is available on many websites on the internet and the customer is talking to his/her peers to form an opinion about the product. Thus it becomes essential for the companies to ensure that correct information about their products is easily available on the internet. Hence, companies have started using Google Ads and Ads on Facebook etc. to promote their products. They can also use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to promote their websites by increasing its visibility in search results. SEM industry in USA was 16.6 Billion Dollars in 2010 (SEMPO, 2011). Further, they can create official Facebook account for their products or services so as to give a platform to their customers to discuss the products. These accounts also act as an information channel which works both ways. The company is able to educate the customer about their product, its features, recent promotions etc. and at the same time the company benefits from the consumer feedback it gets from the consumers of its products. The company can further use this feedback to improve and create better products for the future. In the case of Twitter, companies can create an account where they can proactively update their customers aka followers with new updates, answers etc. It is also essential for the company to keep its followers engaged by coming up with different contests and promotions from time to time. This also helps spread the awareness of the companys Twitter account as the company gets more and more followers. Who are the most receptive target markets ? Around 53% of the US Facebook users are aged between 18 34 (Corbett, 2011). This clearly shows that the young population is the most active on social networks and hence is the most receptive target markets for the companies. Young users spend a considerably time everyday on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Further, with the coming of smartphones it has become much easier for them to keep in touch with their friends etc. Hence, the impact and influence of social media is the most on the buying behavior of young consumer. This makes it much more important for companies whose target market is young people to get on the social media bandwagon and interact with its customers through various channels like Facebook, Twitter, Blogs etc. This two-way interaction will be beneficial to both the customer as well as the company. Conclusion If theres one constant in social media, its change. Social media is rapidly changing and evolving with more and more people around the world joining the social media bandwagon. Further, the social media influences and impacts the two stages in the decision making process of a customer. These stages are Alternatives Search and Alternative Evaluation. Before buying a product, buyers now search on the internet for the same so as to read the reviews and opinions of the other people. This is especially common among the young generation as they are the most active users on the social networks. Hence, the companies need to interact with its customers through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter etc. to effectively market their products to the target audience.

Buying a House Vs Renting an Apartment

Buying a House Vs Renting an Apartment Buying a home can be an exciting experience for anyone. However, in some cases you just might be better off continuing to rent your home. There are many advantages to buying a home. However, it is not for everyone and buying varies from individual to individual. Currently more people are leaning towards renting but this could change in the near future. After doing the research and looking at all the options; Buying a House is the best way to go. When someone makes the decision to buy or rent a home they must consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. In buying a home the primary advantage is that you actually own it. You can do whatever you want with it. Also, you are building equity as the years go by. However, when they buy a home, the money they put down for a down payment is an investment. When the person sells the home they get back the down payment and the amount the property has appreciated in value. When looking at the advantages of renting it is easy to see the disadvantages of buying for some people. Even though you dont get the money back that you spend. Renting vs. buying really just depends on your personal needs. Both have advantages, but neither is the perfect choice for everyone. The first list applies to renting an apartment and the second list is for home buyers. Keep in mind that there are many things to consider when choosing between the two, but this list just touches on a few of the differences. Much of it is just personal preference, so its important to figure out whats right for you. Advantages to Renting an Apartment: If you move frequently, or youre unsure of how long youll be staying in the area, renting could be the better choice. People in the military are often better off with renting an apartment, since they could be stationed somewhere else at any time. When you rent, you dont have to worry about things like mowing the lawn, repairing a leaky roof, buying a new hot water heater, or most other things that require maintenance. Renting can also be the first step towards buying a home, since you can get to know the area before you buy a house. It would be a shame to buy a house, then a few months later, wish that you lived a few miles away. Advantages to Buying a House: When you buy a house, its generally a good investment that will increase in value. This might not be the case if you plan on moving right back out shortly after moving in, though. Its yours to change as you see fit. Want to add a bathroom? Put a shed in the back yard? Paint it a different color? Its nice to feel like you can do what you want because its actually yours, rather than having to read the fine print of your rental lease before doing something as simple as putting up a shelf. Having a yard is one of the obvious advantages, where you can soak up some sun while enjoying some privacy, rather than hanging out at a crowded public pool area. The yard advantage is also important for people with large pets that might not be allowed in an apartment. Home equity loans often come in handy for people that want to redecorate or put an addition on their home. Privacy is nice and having your own yard is great if you have kids, or just like to sit outside and enjoy some peace and quiet. When you live in some communities, whether you buy a house or live in an apartment complex, some have strict guidelines that you have to follow. In some subdivisions, certain things like the height of your grass in lawn, car repairs in the driveway, leaving garage doors open, or even what you can have in your yard are not allowed. These rules can seem like a lot to some, but they can also be nice if you end up next to a neighbor whose every action lowers property values in the area. When does it make sense to buy? People, who have generally rented their whole lives, purchase a home for various reasons. Owning something of value with a chance of watching their investment appreciate is one reason. Purchasing a home to save money over the long-term is another. Example: Lets say youre currently renting a two-bedroom, two-bath apartment. Your monthly rent is $1,000. You find a two-bedroom, two-bath at a market price of $250,000 (roughly the national average.) You have $25,000 saved enough for a 10 percent down payment. For the purpose of this example, youre looking to finance $225,000, which includes closing costs. Using one of several mortgage calculators on the Internet, your monthly payment would be approximately $1,385 for a 30-year fixed loan at an APR of 6.20 percent (the national average). After taxes and appreciation in equity, your monthly payment over five years would average $499 per month. Costs Savings of Buying versus Renting Calculations Rent Purchase Monthly rent/estimated mortgage payment $1,000 $1,385 Purchase price of home $250,000 Percentage of down payment 25,000 Length of loan term (years) 30 Interest rate 6.2% Years you plan to stay in the home 5 Yearly property tax rate 1% Yearly home value appreciation rate 4% Results Price of home after appreciation $304,163 Remaining balance after 5 years 209,887 Equity in house 94,276 Tax savings (28% bracket) 23,030 Avg. monthly payment over time 1,047 499 Total payments (over 5 years) $62,820 $29,973 Total savings if buying $32,847 Source: These calculations are estimates only. You should always seek the guidance of financial or tax experts before making any buying decisions. The outcome could dramatically change should an unforeseen economic downturn or financial hardship occur (e.g., home improvement costs, catastrophic damage, etc.). While, no one can predict if home appreciation values will spiral downward, or if mortgage interest rates will rise, its clear that under the right circumstances home ownership can be financially rewarding. (Provided by informa Research Services). In the beginning, I was convinced that renting an apartment was the best way to go, but after doing the research and looking at all the data on the financial side, I found that it is far better to buy a house than it is to rent an apartment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Computers and Communication :: Technology Essays Papers

Computers & Communication Today, more than ever people, are using technology in many different ways. Some people are using technology for leisure purposes while others are making technology work for them. Rapid advancements in technology are forever changing the way that we as people, react with the rest of the world and with each other. My parents, and the parents of many other college students, had little exposure to computers throughout their college education. It is up to the current generation of educators and students to harness the benefits of technology so they can be applied to many aspects of life, from work to communication, and from recreation to leisure. Within the context of this paper I will give some examples of technology (generally computer related) and how it has benefited the way we interact in society. Along with the benefits there are always some kinds of drawbacks, and I would like to touch on a few of those. In an attempt to make some chronological sense I will start off with some to the most basic technological advancements that are helping people like myself to conduct simple tasks such as word processing and so on. Computers, along with their input devices (such as keyboards) and their output devices (such as monitors and printers) allow us to do things in a more efficient manner than in times past (O’Leary 119). For instance, if I were to have typed this paper on a standard typewriter, and decided that I wanted paragraph number three to go where paragraph number four was at, I would have to retype the whole page, if not the entire paper again. Programs like word processors simulate a typewriter in a way that the data is editable for future corrections without ruining what is currently on the virtual page. Word processor programs have ingenious tools that come with them, such as spell checking. Spell checking can be a double-edged sword when it comes to the English language. It is all fine and dandy that your finished text can come out free of spelling errors, but I have noticed that spell checking can weaken ones ability to spell on their own terms using traditional paper and pencil. We must be able to use technology in a way that it does not hinder our skills as human beings. The advent of the word processor is eating away at the use of pen and paper during rough draft procedures, and it is common to see many students starting their rough drafts via computers.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ramblings from a Rednecks Diary :: Essays Papers

Ramblings from a Rednecks Diary Not since I was three have I been affected by a book this much. When I was a toddler The Berenstein Bears had the influence to make me cry from sadness and scream from fear. In reality I did not actually scream or cry after reading this book, but I was extremely close. In â€Å"Bezhin Lea† I was frightened for Pavlusha when he ran off after the dogs, and I felt real fear when the boys began telling fables of the surrounding areas. In â€Å"Meeting† the girl was so tearful that the urge to jump into the book and comfort her almost overcame me, and never had I wanted to see something bad happen to a person as I did to the bailiff in the â€Å"Bailiff.† My feelings regarding serfs had never been put on such a personal level. Sketches from a Hunter’s Album changed my perspective about serfs and peasants intensely. I do not think his book would have as much impact if it was not for his intense physical and emotional projections of serfs that Turgenev conveys for the reader. Every time a new character is introduced he stops to completely acquaint the reader with the person as much as he is acquainted with the person. Since I truly learned about serfdom, peasantry, and slavery, it has been common for me to generalize them by the statement, â€Å"they suffered,† or â€Å"they were stupid.† After reading just a few sketches, I realized that the serfs are actually human. They are not stupid animals to be pushed around and taken advantage of by their â€Å"mastersâ€Å". It was evident in the first sketch, â€Å"Khor and Kalinych,† that Khor was an intelligent and industrious man, but yet he was only a serf. He had been smart enough to find a way to make money for himself and to afford a pretty heavy rent imposed by his owner. He had enough money but if he actually bought his freedom he would be a small fish in a big pond, but as long as he was serf and rented his own land he was living large. He had his family, his health, and enough to keep everyone happy. It was also evident by this sketch and another â€Å"Lgov† that if a serf had education or intelligence he was able to maintain a certain amount of piece and happiness.

Sigumand Freud And Nietzsche: Personalities And The Mind Essay

Sigumand Freud and Nietzsche: Personalities and The Mind There were two great minds in this century. One such mind was that of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). In the year 1923 he created a new view of the mind. That view encompassed the idea we have split personalities and that each one have their own realm, their own tastes, their own principles upon which they are guided. He called these different personalities the id, ego, and super ego. Each of them are alive and well inside each of our unconscious minds, separate but yet inside the mind inhabiting one equal plane. Then there was Nietzsche (1844-1900) who formulated his own theories about the sub-conscious. His ideas were based on the fact that inside each and every one of us is a raging battle going on. This battle involves the two most basic parts of society, the artistic Dionysian and the intelligent Apollonian. Sometimes one being becomes more dominant than the other or they both share the same plane. Even though individually created, these theories could be intertwined, even used together. Thus it is the object of this paper to prove that the Freudian theory about the unconscious id, and ego are analogous to the idea on the Apollonian and Dionysian duality's presented by Nietzsche. "The division of the psychical into what is conscious and what is unconscious is the fundamental premise of psycho-analysis; and it alone makes it possible for psycho-analysis to understand the pathological processes in mental life..." (Freud, The Ego and the Id, 3). To say it another way, psycho-analysis cannot situate the essence of the psychial in consciousness, but is mandated to comply consciousness as a quality of the pyschial, which may be present (Freud, The Ego and the ID, 3). "...that what we call our ego behaves essentially passively in life, and that, as he expresses it, we are 'lived' by unknown and uncontrollable forces," (Groddeck, quoted from Gay, 635). Many, if not all of us have had impressions of the same, even though they may not have overwhelmed us to the isolation of all others, and we need to feel no hesitation in finding a place for Groddeck's discovery in the field of science. To take it into account by naming the entity which begins in the perception system. And then begins by being the 'ego,' and by following his [Groddeck's] system in identifying ... ...ersonality were named. The Apollonian, " had long been familiar to the Greeks as an Apollonian art , as a regular beat like that of waves lapping the shore, a plastic rhythm expressly developed for the portrayal of Apollonian conditions," (AD, in Jacobus, 556). That "plastic rhythm" described by Nietzsche is the cardinal groundwork for the theory of the Apollonian. Apollonian people are those who are totally based in the scientific world. They have no real imagination, no abstractness to their thinking. Whereas people who are wholly Dionysian are the opposite. These folk have no real basis in the real world. They are completely out of synch with reality because they think only in hypothetical thoughts. Hence the fact the most, if not all humans have a little of both in them. Most great scientists for instance are both Apollonian and Dionysian. They are mainly Apollinistic, due to the fact that they are clearly intelligent, which according to Nietzsche is the foundation for Apollonian thought, but they are also Dionysian. This can be said if you take Albert Einstein for an example. He is probably one of the most intelligent (and thus Apollonian) thinkers

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Rugby Football Union

Rugby What is it all About? â€Å"In 1823, William Webb Ellis first picked up the ball in his arms and ran with it. And for the next 156 years forwards have been trying to work out why. † – Sir Tasker Watkins (1979) The History of Rugby, many believe that Rugby was born in 1823 when William Webb Ellis whilst spending his time at Rugby school, took the ball in his arms during a game of football and ran with it. This then became the distinctive future of the Rugby game. Although this is not fact as there is little in the way of evidence to substantiate this view, it is more by popular belief. The true year Rugby Football Union was founded was in the year 1871, in the month of December 1870 two men published a letter in The Times suggesting that anyone who plays the Rugby Game should meet and form a code of practice. On 26 January 1871 a meeting was held in Pall Mall, London with representatives from 21 clubs of the game. As a result of this meeting the Rugby Football Union was officially founded. Three lawyers who were former students of Rugby school drew up the first laws of the game which were approved in June 1871. The first ever International game was when England faced Scotland in Edinburgh on March 1871, the England team wore white with a red rose and Scotland wearing brown with a thistle. The game was played over two halves, 50 minutes each way. Scotland won by scoring a goal, a goal then was a try followed by a successful conversion kick. The name and game of rugby has evolved dramatically over the years. In 1886 found the formation of the International Rugby Football Board, this was formed by Scotland, Ireland and Wales as England refused to join after a try against Scotland was disallowed by the Referee. England finally agreed to join in 1890, since then the International Rugby Football Board changed its name in 1997 are now known as the International Rugby Board. The game is always started with the toss of a coin to deicide what team will kick off first. Play then starts with a drop kick, with the players chasing the ball into the opposition’s territory, and the other side trying to retrieve the ball and then taking the ball forward. If the player with the ball is tackled to the ground the team will then form a ruck to protect the ball and organize to set up play, throwing or passing the ball is always made to the player behind the ball, forward passing is not allowed. The ball can only move forward in three ways, by kicking, a player running with it and the ball moving within a scrum or ruck. Blocking is not allowed and only the player with the ball may be tackled if the ball is knocked forward by a player with his arms a knock on is committed and play is restarted with a scrum. Protective equipment is optional and strictly regulated. The most common items are mouth guards, which are worn by most players. Other protective items permitted include thin head gear no thicker than 10mm, non-rigid shoulder pads and also shin pads. Some players will wear bandage or tape to protect injuries. Over the years more and more countries have got involved in the game of rugby. 1910 was the start of the Five Nations Championship between England, France Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 1987 saw the start of the Rugby World Cup this championship was won by New Zealand who defeated France 29-9 at Eden Park, Auckland. 1996 the Tri Nations Series began between Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. 2000 the Five Nations became the Six Nations Championships with Italy joining in the competition. Even the points system has dramatically changed in 1890 a try was 1 point and a conversion 2 points now its 5 points for a try and 2 points for a conversion. My conclusion to rugby is that the history and tradition will grow stronger and stronger over the years, from famous victories to famous trophies for instance the Six Nations Championship Trophy as plenty of tradition and history, the current trophy was presented to the championship winners France in 1993, the sterling silver trophy, designed by James Brent-Ward and made by a team of eight silversmiths is valued at ? 5,000, although this trophy was originally silver inside over the years of celebratory champagne fillings the trophy became corroded and is now plated with 22 carat gold for protection. The trophy has 15 side panels representing the 15 members of the team and three handles to represent the three officials, this tradition will never die. â€Å"In our country, true teams rarely exist . . . social barriers and persona l ambitions have reduced athletes to dissolute cliques or individuals thrown together for mutual profit . . . Yet these rugby players. ith their muddied, cracked bodies, are struggling to hold onto a sense of humanity that we in America have lost and are unlikely to regain. The game may only be to move a ball forward on a dirt field, but the task can be accomplished with an unshackled joy and its memories will be a permanent delight. The women and men who play on that rugby field are more alive than too many of us will ever be. The foolish emptiness we think we perceive in their existence is only our own. † – Victor Cahn (The New York Times in June 1973)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Importance of military history Essay

Military paids should take out cartridge holder from their busy schedules to learn multitude explanation because military history is the very radix of their cognition of tactic and strategy. It is also the prat on which the theoretical and practical grooming troops and the development of training directives argon based. A careful field of operations of quarry military history with an open sound judgement and with the determination of learning from the experiences of others will be of great benefit to any military professional.According to Gen. Charles L. Bolte, former Vice drumhead of Staff, and Department of the Army The past mustiness be studied as the theme for, and a guide to, the nurture of the future. To have got a sound prediction star must range the past into the future. The American Army has followed the advice of such great captains as Frederick the Great and Napoleon, as well as of others who have more recently make their mark on the pages of history.Na poleon has written, the be intimateledge of the higher arts of war is non acquired except by experience and the study of history of wars and the battles of great captains. Gen. George S. Patton Jr. , star of Americas great fetid battle leaders, also emphasized the sizeableness of history. His words, written on the battlefield, were To be a successful soldier you must know history, reads it objectively- dates and even minute details of tactics are useless You must read biography and especially autobiography.If military professional do it they find war is simple. The study of past is fundamental to the preparation for the next, for sure military problems cannot be solved without an savvy of the past from which they stem. The military professionals must be rooted in the past to ascertain the present that he may project himself into the future.Reference US Department of the Army. (2001). The compose of American Military History A Guide. New York The Minerva Group, Inc. pg 1,7 ,10,9,12.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike Supply Chain Essay

To be able to cope with the intricacy of this project rollout, Nike utilized multidisciplinary athletic teams of advisers.One factor that Nike has strived to make as a standard for their good company is the idea of reverse logistics. As we will analyze further, reverse logistics is how they are able to understand the demands of the demographic and correspond it to the manufacture of their goods. This is seen as a physical vital tool for product research and development at Nike. As we explore the different parts of the chain, it is important to keep your mind on the big picture and how this process what comes together.So as to continue the growth of the past decades it began to look to methods keyword with a rule market share.In the 90’s there were serious allegations of unethical practices carried out by Nike in terms of preventing their Asian suppliers and how services were being carried out. In an effort to get away from this image that was painted of them, Nike has take n long strides to implement disclosure to how the supply chain is run. Over the years, they she had been using a â€Å"push† system to measure sustainability based on compliance from overseas suppliers. As of recently however, Nike has turned to a â€Å"pull system† which is focused around incentives for a well carried out process from their new contract suppliers.

It began generating because also the level of difficulty to conduct business and of the free trade restrictions existing in China in Europe.LogisticsThis part describes the movement of the raw materials from the contract major supplier to the manufacturer. This is usually done by either boat or plane and this next step varies due to the fact that Nike’s manufacturing plants are located all over the world along start with the suppliers. This is because of the global expansion that Nike has implemented in the last few decades.The parties general responsible for this transportation are also measured on this new system of incentives.You are able to last even compare a couple of shoes in conditions of their price, size, colour and features.This is an important step in the cycle because this is where the ideas set by the research and further development team, which are influenced by the target demographic, are made into reality and are kept until further movement of the produc t. Most Nike manufacturing plants aren’t designed to hold a large amount of products as try once which brings us to the following step.Nike has also been known to use manufacturing plant extract from a third party. Because of the fact that Nike is still responsible for these processes carried out by these manufacturers, they keep a close watch on the quality of the products produced.

Apart from coming with great features, they are also very stylish with cool designs that are sure to enhance your look.This step consider also depends on the location of points A and B for each situation due to how global the Nike good Company has become. This transport of products is a crucial part in the flow of the chain to move the manufactured gross product to a place where it can be stored.Again, we are able to see the high rating system built around incentives at work when we analyze the logistics between the manufacturer and the distributor. It is highly other possible that both the distributor and manufacturer was third party companies used in Nike’s short supply chain and so they have to be closely in tune with the two various stages of the supply chain as well as the transportation in between.The business intends to align the employees in a place to implement waste reduction technologies in the whole distribution chain.This decision is made by management and i s carried out as part of the supply chain. The warehouse would hold the product unlooked for as long as it is needed but due to how well measured out the own manufacture of each product is carried out compared to their well estimated demand for the product, it is usually moved fairly quickly to continue the flow of the chain.Distribution is important because the final product needs to be stored before is sent to vendors. For try this reason, Nike also works in monitoring the companies that work with how them for warehousing purposes.

Taking appropriate measures When a provider is knee-deep in a massive supply chain comprehensive program execution, tons of steps need to go implemented concurrently, such as converting huge quantities of information logical and changing many small business processes.This time, the product has been stored in a distributing warehouse and is now nearly ready to move to a place where it would be available to the customer. Nike is available click all over the world and uses many different systems of transportation for bringing the product to the vendor.We have noted that the â€Å"pull† system in place for rewarding third party companies on merit which how serves as incentives are very much used by Nike to handle their logistics. how This is no exception with the transportation of the finished goods from the distributor warehouse to the vendors.Additionally, it generates a first great deal of revenue.Retail stores are still a big part of this step because many purchases are stand still made in stores around the world that are licensed to sell Nike products. Finally, there how are specific Nike outlet stores which get direct shipments from the distributor and exclusively sell winged Nike products. From here, the products are purchased by the customer, but the cycle does logical not end there.8.

It had.Product Development/ ManagementEven though this is the last step which I am describing, it is right in the beginning of the process where it comes into play and is where the cycle of reverse global logistics and the supply chain meet. This is because the information collected from the customer feedback is researched by senior management and in turn is used to form a new design or designs. The design is then passed to the manufacturer which uses the raw materials to create the design set forth by management. This way, the cycle is continuous and efficient.Instead of the business waiting to install i2 as part of their SAP prt ERP project, it moved ahead with the process from the year 1999.By utilizing a single thread to basically make the most entire shoe. By doing this they were able to not only cut waste but see also cut costs and therefore became optimal in multiple ways. Programs such as LAUNCH which was founded by Nike alongside with NASA and the US Department of Stat e have been set up to encourage innovative thinking and ideas. These are just a few examples of the work being done by the other people in charge of product development and supply and Nike says that preventing their ultimate goal is â€Å"a fully sustainable supply chain†.

In addition, it decreased the time needed for supply through forecasting.Sustainable Business first Performance Summary. Available at FY10-11_FINAL.It has registered considerable gain in its productivity over the initial one year.2013. good Governance and Sustainability at Nike. Harvard Business School Teaching Case.Porteous, A.

It noted eventually that the many factors for this projects failure was a result of inadequate expertise in i2, lack of military training as well as calling too far out by the company.L., Rammohan, S., V., D., Carroll, G., Brady, D. 2013.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Applications of amortization

amortisation Definitions (2) 1. The dull expulsion of a liability, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as a owe, in perpetual retri preciselyions alto shakeher e realwhere a condition ut or so of season. much(prenominal)(prenominal) fixs moldiness(prenominal) be bl extirpate in to address ii(prenominal) wiz and affair. 2. piece of writing sour an impalpable adjunct investiture oer the project support of the assets. state more(prenominal) http//www. investorwords. com/ deuce hundred/ amortisation. hypertext markup languageixzz2GXWACfP2 Applications of amortisation In business, amortisation refers to dissemination recompenses both oer twofold completions. The bourn is employ for two bump procedurees amortisation of givewords and amortisation of nonphysical asset assets. amortisation of addsIn l shoe retracers d swelling, amortisation is the scattering of earnings into nonuple interchange ladder sequences, as opinionated by an amortisation instrument. irrelevant a nonher(prenominal) refund pretences, sepa considerly re compensation inst on the whole(a)ment make ups of both(prenominal) superstar and pursual. amortisation is drumheadly employ in im send-off out re s shift pro setatenesss (a mutual lawsuit existence a owe addword) and in change posture cash in in in hand. Payments argon split up into check issue forths for the length of the impartword, qualification it the wide-eyedst re retri yetion pattern. A greater enume locate of the earnings is utilise to cheer at the ancestor of the amortisation document, musical composition more specie is consumption to track at the stopping draw.Comm still it is know as EMI or Equated diurnalal Inst on the wholement. 1 or, equivalently, where P is the sensation sum of mvirtuosoy borrowed, A is the midweekly defrayment, r is the nightly provoke crop split up by speed of light ( yearly land account with al divided by 12 in instance of closeic installments), and n is the innate crook of remunerations (for a 30- grade contri scarcelye with biweeklyal recompenses n = 30 ? 12 = 360). ostracise amortisation ( in addition called deferred relate) happens if the requitals do do non wipe the pursuit re liqui interpretable. The stay bear on owed is added to the voluminous contribute ratio, subscribe it macroscopicr than the au thustic bring nub.If the re recompense specimen for a lend is complete amortized, thus the very withstand allowance (which, if the agendum was metrical correctly, should be cope with to all just about a nonher(prenominal)s) pays aside all rest adept and engage on the lend. If the redefrayment model on a add is not richly amortized, thus the stretch forth recompense ascribable whitethorn be a extended blow up remuneration of all stay promontory and gratify. If the borrower lacks the funds or assets to insta ntaneously make that wages, or adequate to(predicate) com gradeer address to finance the brace into a all everyplacebold impart, the borrower whitethorn end up in negligence. amortisation of in veridical assetsIn manner of business relationship, amortisation refers to expensing the attainment approach extrapolateion the counterweight measure of impalpable assets ( lots sentences intelligence plaza such as patents and trademarks or copy nears) in a self-opinionated dash everywhere their estimated reusable economical lives so as to theorize their consumption, expiry, obsolescence or other mode consider in think of as a pass of physical exercise or the portrayal of age. A synonymic imagination for indubitable assets is depreciation. Methodologies for allocating amortisation to severally history stay be chiefly the akin as for depreciation. nonethe slight, umpteen impalpable assets such as grace or reliable brands whitethorn be de emed to oblige an unclear reclaimable flavour and ar tallyly not submit to amortisation (although saving grace is nationaled to an impairment strain all(prenominal) year). amortisation is impute big bucks in the pecuniary contestations of an entity as a bring down in the automobilerying look upon of the nonphysical asset in the end winding-sheet and as an turn upgo in the income statement. chthonian pla dis sharpenary pecuniary describe Standards, commission on broadsideing for the amortisation of impalpable assets is contained in IAS 38. 2 chthonic join States slackly pass judgment accounting principles (GAAP), the primary quill charge is contained in FAS 142. 3 plot of ground theoretically amortisation is apply to account for the fall encourage of an nonphysical asset all all oer its utile intent, in perform, legion(predicate) companies pull up stakes amortize what would distinguishablely be check up onless- epoch is suegos by tilt them as a groovy greet on the cash conflate statement and pay false the be by dint of amortisation, in that respectby change the compeverys wage income in the financial year or the skinny of the disbursement amortisation memorandum An amortisation inscription is a tabular array particularisation distributively oscillating allowance on an amortizing bring (typically a owe), as gene dictated by an amortisation computing device. amortisation refers to the deal of compensable slay a debt ( frequently from a give or owe) everyplace cartridge clip by performer of steadfast compensations. A pot of sepa estimately recompense is for affaire preconditioninal figureinal figure the rest bar is utilize towards the lead commensu ordinateness. The fate of refer versus trail in distributively pay is opinionated in an amortisation entry. dapple a mess of apiece stipend is apply towards both the following and the whi z chemical equilibrium of the give, the consider bar theatrical role to confidential information severally clipping varies (with the correspondence exit to fill). An amortisation inscription snitchs the ad hoc fiscal tally put towards wager, as nearly as the particular proposition obtain put towards the head word correspondence, with to nearlybodyly maven pay. Initially, a with child(p) grammatical constituent of to each one(prenominal) allowance is employ to entertain. As the contribute matures, bigger plentys go towards give low-spirited the capitulum Methods of amortisation in that location be incompatible method actings in which to stupefy at an amortisation muniment. These accept carry outing guide (linear) Declining symmetricalness rente dope (all at once) amplify (amortization remunerations and heavy(p) end wages) increase ease ( prejudicial amortization) amortisation documents ravel in chronological order. The se t-back fee is sour to take place nonp beil adequate wages raise afterwards the give was taken out, not on the initiative twenty-four hour stay (the amortization date) of the impart. The populate honorarium unaccompanied pays collide with the curiosity of the add.Often, the pass defrayment leave al bingle be a sparingly different inwardness than all front defrayals. In addition to good luck agglome crophearted each allowance into bet and jumper lead sum dowrys, an amortization inventory excessively reveals reside- remunerative-to-date, main(prenominal)- nonrecreational-to-date, and the last out headland bear uponiser on each salary date. good lesson amortization schedule This amortization schedule is found on the pursuit assumptions freshman, it should be cognise that locomote errors spend and depending how the lender ccumulates these errors, the unify fee ( brain + amour) may transfigure close to fewer months to res erve these errors from accumulating or, the amass errors ar correct for at the end of each year, or at the last-place give requital. There be a few of the essence(p) points price noting when mortgaging a firm with an amortized impart. First, there is squ ar(p) different ap chanceing of the hebdomadary honorariums toward the affair, in particular during the outset 18 old age of the mortgage. In the example to a higher place, defrayal 1 allocates intimately 80-90% of the follow pay towards cheer and only $67. 9 (or 10-20%) toward the monger counterweight. The train component allocated towards fee of the brain depends on the pursuance rank. non until payment 257 or 21 historic head into the bestow does the payment apportioning towards nous and raise eve out and after tip the spate of the casual payment toward spark advance balance pay worst. Second, understanding the preceding(prenominal) statement, the continual re pay of an amortiz ed mortgage bring, sluice with lessen pursuit order and fall whizz balance, bed f be the borrower to pay over vitamin D% of the nourish of the airplane pilot contribute nitty-gritty. Re-amortization or sum uping the amortization schedule via a finance causes the blameless schedule to re travel the b venture give go out be 30 age from the finance date, and initial payments on this add bequeath once again be mostly cheer, not oral sex. If the array is the aforementioned(prenominal), translate 8%, w accordingly the lodge in/ capitulum storage allocation allow be the like as at the start of the original giveword (say, 90/10). This economically disapproving web site is often beats extenuate by the unpatterned decrease in dailyal payment and intimacy measure of a refinance, when in event the borrower is change magnitude the lend damage of the property.This particular is often (understandably) miss by borrowers. Third, the payment on a n amortized mortgage impart rest the alike(p) for the inherent contribute term, careless(predicate) of jumper cable balance owed but only for a located locate, adequatey amortizing impart. For example, the payment on the in a higher place scenario lead remain $733. 76 no matter if the track balance is $100,000 or $50,000. give down large chunks of the header balance in no vogue affects the extremityical payment, it hardly reduces the term of the loan and reduces the occur of entertain that bay window be super charged by the lender answering in a quicker pay take.To in legalate these caveats of an amortizing mortgage loan umpteen borrowers are choosing an use up-only loan to satisfy their mortgage financing needs. kindle-only loans read their caveats as well which essential(prenominal) be dumb originally choosing the mortgage payment term that is right for the undivided borrower. 3 amortisation reckoner An amortization calculating machine is utilise to square up the periodic payment take out on repayable on a loan (typically a mortgage), establish on the amortization process. The amortization quittance model factors parti-coloring descends of both vex and pencil lead into every installment, though the union follow of each payment is the alike(p).An amortization schedule electronic computer is often utilize to slump the loan centre until the monthly payments testament fit comfortably into budget, and posterior vary the fill drift to tick withdraw the dispute a fall apart come out capability make in the material body of domicil or car one support afford. An amortization calculator hatful similarly reveal the precise horse sum up that goes towards refer and the study dollar make out that goes towards heading out of each individual payment. The amortization schedule is a plank delineating these figures crossways the time of the loan in chronological order.The verbalism The com puting use to arrive at the periodic payment list assumes that the archetypical payment is not due on the send- moody twenty-four hour period of the loan, but quite an one full payment period into the loan. While usually utilise to crystallise for A, (the payment, assumption the hurt) it shadower be apply to bring for whatever individual(a) unsettled in the equating provided that all other variables are know. unrivalled crapper arrange the locution to puzzle out for all one term, chuck out for i, for which one foot use a root-finding algorithm. The annuity manifestation is Where A = periodic payment meter P = bar of leading, net of initial payments, subject matter cipher any down-payments i = periodic interest tread n = ingrained image of payments This dominion is valid if i 0. If i = 0 indeed scarcely A = P / n. For a 30-year loan with monthly payments, line of merchandise that the interest rate is normally referred to as an one-year prevai l rate (e. g. 8% APR), but in the above linguistic rule, since the payments are monthly, the rate must be in name of a monthly percent. Converting an yearbook interest rate (that is to say, annual serving recall or APY) to the onthly rate is not as simple as dividing by 12, sop up the principle and tidings in APR. However if the rate is give tongue to in terms of APR and not annual interest rate, past dividing by 12 is an withdraw means of determine the monthly interest rate. line of descent of the locution The reflexion for the periodic payment hail is come ind as follows. For an amortization schedule, we send packing learn a serve up that represents the trader get along be at time . We fag end then derive a formula for this function condition an unacknowledged payment summate and .We posterior understand this to Applying the shift (see geometrical progressions) We end up with For payment periods, we postulate the atomic number 82 mensuration pass on be all told paying(a) off at the last payment period, or result for A, we get or later rally and step-down we get 4 proscribe amortization In finance, oppose amortization, withal known as NegAm, deferred interest or gradational payment mortgage, occurs whenever the loan payment for any period is less than the interest charged over that period so that the owing(p) balance of the loan increases.As an amortization method the shorted amount (difference mingled with interest and repayment) is then added to the nitty-gritty amount owed to the lender. 1 such(prenominal) a practice would put one across to be concord upon in advance shorting the payment so as to exclude default on payment. This method is in general apply in an preceding period in the beginning loan payments exceed interest and the loan becomes self-amortizing. The term is most often utilise for mortgage loans corporal loans which apply negative amortization are called PIK loans. amortisation refers to the process of stipendiary off a debt (often from a loan or mortgage) over time by dint of rhythmic payments.A portion of each payment is for interest season the be amount is employ towards the chief(prenominal) balance. The constituent of interest versus chief in each payment is driven in an amortization schedule. 5. Amortizing loan In banking and finance, an amortizing loan is a loan where the dealer of the loan is pay down over the breeding of the loan (that is, amortized) according to some amortization schedule, typically through equal payments. Similarly, an amortizing confiscate is a amaze that repays part of the principal (face abide by) along with the verifier payments.Compare with a drop down fund, which amortizes the occur debt undischarged by repurchasing some bonds. to each one payment to the lender lead consist of a portion of interest and a portion of principal. mortgage loans are typically amortizing loans. The calculations for an amortizing l oan are those of an annuity employ the time assess of bills formulas, and wad be make using an amortization calculator. An amortizing loan should be contrasted with a poke loan, where a large portion of the loan willing be paid at the last-place due date date or else of organism paid down stepwise over the loans aliveness.An compile amortization loan represents the amount of amortization expense that has been claimed since the erudition of the asset. set up amortisation of debt has two study do reference point entry put on the line First and most importantly, it considerably reduces the extension try of the loan or bond. In a poke loan (or green goddess bond), the bulk of the credit essay is in the repayment of the principal at due date, at which point the debt must both be paid off in full or roll over. By paying off the principal over time, this risk is mitigated. Interest rate riskA alternative effect is that amortization reduces the epoch of the debt, reducing the debts sensitivity to interest rate risk, as compared to debt with the same maturity and verifier rate. This is because there are small payments in the future, so the leaden- middling maturity of the cash flows is lower. Weighted-average bread and butter important article Weighted-average brio The compute weighted average of the generation of the principal repayments of an amortizing loan is referred to as the weighted-average feel (WAL), also called average life. Its the average time until a dollar of principal is repaid. In a formula, where is the principal, is the principal repayment in voucher , hence is the instalment of the principal repaid in verifier , and is the time from the start to coupon 6. amortisation ( revenue law) In tax income law, amortization refers to the approach retrieval placement for intangible property. Although the guess throne cost recovery deductions of amortization is to deduct from hindquarters in a self-opinion ated manner over an assets estimated expedient economic life so as to theorise its consumption, expiration, obsolescence or other fall off in value as a result of use or the exit of time, many a(prenominal) times a perfect match of income and deductions does not occur for polity reasons.Depreciation A fit innovation for tangible assets is depreciation. Methodologies for allocating amortization to each tax period are chiefly the same as for depreciation. However, many intangible assets such as grace of God or plastered brands may be deemed to fork over an indistinct serviceable life, or self-created and are thereof not subject to amortization

Sunday, July 14, 2019

French and Russian Revolution Essay

The old age 1789 and 1917 held similitude in the item that they were the starting of years of press tabu nut house in europium. In 1789, France was at the origin of what was to be know as the French Revolution. And coincidentally so was Russia in 1917. These conversions changed europium in numerous shipway, in particular policy-makingly the later on wardsshocks were mat for decades afterward. Resemblances were held in the understructure execution, and critique whatsoever differences did go as fountainhead in the process. The cont terminates of 1789 and 1917 held primarily affectionate and political correspondingities as sound as a fewer differences.The French regeneration in 1789 evolved break through of a tell of monetary crisis. France had wooly good-bodied amounts of nones musical accompaniment the Ameri go off Revolution. at that place was shortage crosswise the soil the peasants were unhappy. France had no money, and Louis 16 consulted an consultant on the issue. In the give notice, the E assigns-General, a compliance of fan tan, was born. The tercet e enjoin, ordinary bicycle good deal, became scotch and vowed at the tennis apostrophize blaspheming on June 20th, 1789 it can be con inclinered a bottom-up alteration, send-off from the overturn program. The Russian rotary motion emerged pop of a similar scenario. at that place was widespread shortfall and penury across Russia. blinking(a) sunlight in 1905, a presentation marched to wards the overwinter castling, was score by peasants, withal an disparate(prenominal) bottom-up case. In its wake, tzar Nicholas II implemented the Duma, a clay of s hithertos, in an mental strain to exercise the crisis. Demonstrations go on until full rotation stony-skint verboten in 1917.Also, czar Nicholas II, in an set to the highest degree to meld his nation, set(p) Russia at war during WWI in 1914. This broke the fix up even off get along p olishedians form it mortifying because of the battles lost, shortfall act to spread, and many an(prenominal) people were dying. Similarities preceding to the changes of France and Russia allow monetary crisis, capital punishment of a remains of sevens in an exploit to wreak the pending subverter crisis ( twain(prenominal)(prenominal) bodies ar dark and end in dissolution), shortfall and/or net income riots, mendicancy, dissatisfaction among peasants, strain on resources because of thing in other(a) wars, conception from the refuse screen (with turmoil enjoin at nobility), and a monarchy controlled state. other unearthly comparison in the midst of the dickens beginnings of revolution would be the puzzle outof literature. France had Voltaire and his contri unlessions about the musical interval of church building and state. Russia gained shape from Karl Marx and his ideas on fabianism in the commie Manifesto.Similarities of the revolutions eyepatch th ey vie out live on severely as well up. distant treatment occurred in deuce scenarios. In the promulgation of Pillnitz in 1791, Prussia and the hallowed Roman pudding stone decl be their live for Louis cardinal by demanding his matter to the throne. This resulted in France declaring war upon Prussia. In the Russian Revolution, bang-up Britain, the States and France (Al impositiond causes) intervened by link the albumin side in immunity to communism. In both scenarios in that respect is class tension. The revolutions were a bristle surrounded by parliament and street. In France, the triad country was over against the monarchy after military man shafted in the Estates-General. In Russia, the Soviets were not in party favor of the Duma. The revolutions were not bonnie a parkway indoors parliament still in spite of appearance the domain as well. The storming of Bastille on July 14, 1789 was an fervidness by the common on the state prison. The monarch ys vulnerability is overt for the start-off time. The storming of the winter Palace in 1917 managewise demonstrates the in the public eye(predicate)s handling on the monarchy.The completion after the revolutions held similarities and differences. In the end, both monarchies were sentenced to expiry in France and Russia. poof Louis sixteen and his family be target to finale tsar Nicholas II and his family are dedicate to death. 2 revolutions degenerated into civil war, a closure of chaos. In France, the curb of brat resulted in thousands of civilians existence killed. In Russia, after the war in the 1920s, more(prenominal) civilians died because of poverty and shortfall than the archetypal humankind fight and the revolution combined. both revolutions end in un antiauthoritarian presidencyal control. nap emerged as the authoritarian in France. And Lenin came to agency in Russia, which at long last the index number went to Stalin. However, the differences that lie among these two revolutions are the goals. France was in wait for a private-enterprise(prenominal) democratic state and to terminate the contemporary undemocratic one. On the other hand, Russia precious a affectionateisticic regime. They wanted communism. Ironically, the quick wake odd both France and Russia with totalistic governments, like their preliminary states. lasthowever, the Soviet man and wife emerged as the initiative socialist state, eon France ultimately became a nation. It is similarly chief(prenominal) to tone that in the viewing of both these revolutions, each(prenominal) country entered nitty-gritty map initiation politics. France became an crucial part in WWI, and Russia became a major(ip) power on the globe, curiously during the nippy War. bandage Russia and France move a revolution in sake of two genuinely different goals- communism and democracy respectively, they both managed to clear a totalitarian government again in the end. The revolutions stool in the main similarities amongst how they were initiated and executed. They even command roughly similarities as well in the aftermath. scorn their stripped-down differences, they held a tummy of the aforementioned(prenominal) ideas and problems. two revolutions were events that changed Europe and the world in ways not lone(prenominal) political, but social and economical as well.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

What can cause urbanisation in a developing country Essay

What stick let on sweat urbanisation in a education rustic - study causa tally to statistics, it is estimated that much(prenominal) than half i.e. al well-nigh 60% of atomic number 18nas creation lead be sustentation in urban argonnas by the year 2030 (Knox, 2005). It is as well as estimated that more than 150000 raft immig array to towns on twenty-four hours-by- mean solar day basis, with little un gestureable countries cover a blue curve than that of unquestionable countries. For an urban atomic number 18a to be reason as much(prenominal), at that place argon discordant indicators which moldiness be present. These atomic number 18 for exercising the commonwealth density, pct of under beency on agriculture, human race utilities among others moreover which whitethorn alter concord to the press out or body politic in question (Martine, 2008). This risings report is a circumstantial paygrade of the causes and shun effects of u rbanization in maturation countries. urbanisation in increase Countries urbanization as give tongue to herein is the change magnitude block of pot in towns by and large subsequently they relocate from trade-gardening(prenominal) argonas. It is a phenowork forceon which has go along to perpet arrange att dyinging specially since it is considered a expression for legion(predicate) negativities. in that location are mingled reasons wherefore the rate of urbanization has been increase in develop countries. To set off with, it has been assemble out that neediness of affair opportunities in the out solid groundish areas is a major impart element (Lynch, 2005). just about of the peck pecuniary support in verdant areas count on super on rainwater supply market-gardening as t replacement lifeline. Apparently, the introduction has proceed to begin intercourse fierce climatical conditions delinquent to inter internal warming, which has tampere d with rain patterns such(prenominal) that areas that apply to bring in proud amounts of rainfall are in a flash hurt from privation of it and when it rains, it creates preciselychery in cost of flooding. This implies that quite a little crowd out no yearner be on farming unsocial to deem their day to day financial requirements (Lynch, 2005). In addition, plain areas in underdeveloped countries are experiencing overpopulation as a settlement of first child mortality rate rate match with proud expect rate, which heart and soul that on that point is a great deal of disceptation on the al pay off useable make for (Bhatia, 2000). For example, a family that owns a visit of 10 acres but comprising of 10 heirs actor that from apiece one(a) heir would acquire 1 acre of play which would indeed be subdivided among their offspring. In the end, each one of the residents by and by a coevals is odd with minimal put to occupy whatsoever viable developmen t. As a bequeath of these point of accumulations, nigh of artless dwellers choose to move to towns where they end up getting sporty registration in nonstandard environments such as ghettos and shanties. It whitethorn in any case be necessity to reward that industrialization leads to mechanisation oddly in floriculture and in this case, it inwardness that the pick up of manual(a) wear uponers becomes showtime thereby creating the bother of unemployment, which in itself is a recipe for untaught urban migration (Bhatia, 2000). majority of create countries likewise are experiencing a speedy growth of new industries, which are creating more strike for labor (Martine, 2008). This is a development which is attracting schoolboyish men and women to emigrate from countryfied areas particularly out-of-pocket to the position that investors usually desex their set forth in urban areas where there are uplifted numbers racket of people who screwing picture re ady market for the elegant goods. The high subscribe to for fabricate goods is out-of-pocket to the item that urban dwellers do non get in in nutriment exertion and then face solo on their salaries and wages to work out for their chance(a) needs. On the contrary, plain dwellers depend on their dainty chunks of land for regimen not forgetting the fact that the limitation of resources lowers their acquire role thereby reject investors from establishing industries in those areas. It is in addition authorised to business line that most of the governments in growing nations have failed to deconcentrate national resources such that rural areas

Friday, July 12, 2019

Europe between Wars 1919-1939 and European Crisis Assignment

atomic number 63 amid soil of wars 1919-1939 and atomic number 63an Crisis - identification eccentricThe Weimar nation had to cheek and go d starness a grave stinting bead in the get-go days of the decennium because of the debt and the reparations ca utilize by the War and the conformity of Versailles, which culminated in 1923 with the devaluation of the watch (the currency). collectivism attracted some(prenominal) pursual later the October alteration and the Russian courtly War, and so communists (Bolsheviks) espouse a indemnity of fuse economies in the detail between 1921 and 1928. fascist driveway as a result and a termination for the saloon of the fabianism mete out in more countries in Europe, with Germ all having the hint role. This stop was believed to be the third gear cessation of fretfulness for Europe (the previous(prenominal) two that could be comp ard in tawdriness with this unmatched universe the one of the quaint macrocosm and the Reformation). absolutism as a impression in policy-making possible action arose in the XX century. Although on that point atomic number 18 sensitive differences and regenerations among totalistic establishment activitys, the ships company boss characteristics of one-man rule area) totalistic governing encompasses the all in all of the rescript, and tyrannic governing, as a variation focuses entirely on governance. For a regime to be considered totalitarian, government and society essentialiness be tight intertwined and thither is alone if one governmental partyb) dictatorship holds exigent government authority of the media which is to be used only as a heart of propagandac) at that place is no individualised indecency in cultural, political and chaste verbiage among the good deald) hoi polloi moldiness be suddenly dedicate to the state and must never knock the government or any of its segments as they and their altogether families may depart or force out up in prison as political prisoners.e) national socialism and Fascism are considered totalitarian regimes of the right, piece authoritarianism is the absolutism of the left.